My Services

Nes Health Scan


  • If you have a Nes Health Scanner or miHealth, you can scan yourself, your pets, your friends and family and review the scan details from the comfort of your own home.


£85 an hour

  • In person consultation and miHealth treatment (travel costs may apply) or remote consultation to discuss how to interpret and implement the recommendations in the scan.

Nes Health Scan and Consult/Treatment

£100 an hour

  • Remote scan and consultation or scan, consult and treatment in person either in clinic or at your home/stables (travel costs may apply).


£250 - £450

  • If you have a NES Health Scanner or miHealth, buy a package of five or ten scans for incredible value.
  • (First scan must always include consultation as above)

Call for a free 20 minute consultation to see if NES Health is for you


Buy a scanner or miHealth device from me and you simply scan in the comfort of your own home and receive the scan results in your portal. We then arrange a consultation over Zoom or a phone call to discuss the findings and make the recommendations regarding your infoceuticals, which will be shipped directly to your door. If you own a miHealth, you can treat yourself at home too, every day and I can upload your top priorities from your scan to your miHealth for further individualized support.

For animals, particularly if they are nervous or in pain, the miHealth, a handheld, biofeedback device is safe, gentle and remarkably effective. It has an off body function which means we don’t need skin contact to apply, we can be up to 3 feet away and the animals still respond beautifully. The miHealth provides positive information using electromagnetic signals and gentle PEMF provides correct information to re-educate energy flow and where needed, also retrains the body’s autonomic nervous system, so helping the body to heal itself.

Yes Nes Health can be used both alongside and to enhance the benefits of many other therapies and modalities offered by your regular professional support team.

Absolutely yes. I am very happy to work with you. There is no doubt that NES Health will add value to the important work you already do. NES Health can perfectly complement your current skill set – not only do clients love it, but using the information given in the scan, it can really help support the work you already do, by using the information from the scan to prioritise the focus and further support your own particular field of work. I give you as much support as you need to enable you to confidently offer this service to your clients.

Yes, Fido

Happy hoomans = happy pets

🙂 Win win 🙂

That’s a great idea.   Good Boy!

The information here is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have a medical concern, you should consult with your vet or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you read on this website or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, vet or emergency services immediately. Nes Health and its products do not cure, prevent, diagnose, or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult the appropriate healthcare professional.

Ready to find out more?

Call for an informal chat if you have any questions at all.